World Environment Day
- June 5, 2021
Equitysct is a signatory to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI) and on this year’s World Environment Day, we re-affirm our commitment to supporting the development of infrastructure project in manner that does not degrade and destroy the environment.
A key aspect of our environmental and social policy is to require that an environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) is conducted for greenfield infrastructure projects to ensure that potential adverse impacts to the environment are mitigated through international best practices. Our internal ESG team reviews all transactions against the requirements of the IFC Performance Standards 1 (Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impact) and 6 (Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources), as well as the AfDB Operational Safeguards 3 (Biodiversity, renewable energy and ecosystem services), and ensures that the projects we support develop and implement a biodiversity management plan as applicable.
Ecosystem restoration is essential for businesses to thrive and for people to survive in an increasingly fragile planet. Ecosystem restoration means preventing, halting and reversing this damage – to go from exploiting nature to healing it. We commemorate the 2021 World Environment Day with a renewed commitment to facilitate sustainable infrastructure development and promote the protection of ecosystems and ecosystem services.